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A Week Full of Thinking

This week has been not good. This week was the first week back to school. And in contrast by the teachers' conditions, most of the students were so happy and enthusiastic. Not the teachers were not happy to come back to school, only our bodies were adjusting to the routines again. Hmm, I can see that teachers' routines on holiday can be totally different from students' routines. Heheh. Well, the first week of school to me was signed by a lot of thinking going on in my mind. Last month, an opportunity for studying a higher degree had come to me. There was this team, the alumni of The University of Queensland, who were looking for those who interested in studying in that university. They would do some sort of presentation and they could help the prospective students to register for the uni. Even though they couldn't help with the scholarship stuff, they were willing to share the information regarding the scholarships we could pursue. I thought, hey, it's interesting